Group Homes

When we rescue orphaned children from the streets, or find children who may have been in an abusive home environment which it would not be safe to return the child to, we place them in a “Group Home”. Typically these will consist of eight or nine boys who have previously spent a transitional period in our Tesfa Manoriya Bota. Here they will have encountered other children from our existing Group Homes and when they are ready, we transfer them to their new long-term Group Home. Here they will be loved and cared for by live-in house mums and we try to replicate a traditional home environment.

The conditions in our Group homes are far superior to what the children will have encountered prior to being rescued. The boys all go to school together and their House mum ensures that all their homework get done and that they do their fair share of chores around the house. We currently have three Group Homes and look forward to the potential of a fourth in the near future.

Check out this video of our Group Homes!


Group Home One


Group Home Two


Group Home Three