Ways to Give


One-Off Donation

You can support our work through a One-Off Donation. A gift of any size will help us to support Street Kids and vulnerable families in Shashemene.


Nourish to Flourish

Providing nourishing food is a key element of the work we do. The Nourish to Flourish programme focuses on providing food across all of our projects in Ethiopia. This could be providing school meals at our Hope365 Academy, food parcels to vulnerable families or providing the meals for the children in our Tesfa Manoriya Bota Assessment Centre or Group Homes for Orphans.


One-to-One Child Sponsorship

Our One-to-One Child Sponsorship scheme pairs you with a child and their family in Ethiopia. Through your support of just £20 a month, we are able to provide food parcels, clothes and a quality education to your sponsor child, which allows them to thrive within their family unit. Each Sponsor Child is only paired with one Sponsor, and we try to provide regular contact between Sponsor Children and their Sponsors one-two times a year.



The Shareholder Scheme is the most wide reaching of our Ways to Give and allows you to support a huge range of projects throughout the year. Joining this scheme will mean that your monthly donation could provide the resources needed to rescue and reunite a Street Kid with their family, feed a vulnerable family or provide educational supplies to a child at our Hope365 Academy.


A Gift in Your Will

You could leave an Enduring Hope in the lives of countless children by leaving a gift in your will to Hope365. A gift in your will could provide the legacy of education, a loving home and food for the most vulnerable. Your gift will help children to thrive and to face the future with confidence.


Thank you for supporting the work of Hope365!