Legacy Giving: An Enduring Hope

You could leave an Enduring Hope in the lives of countless children by leaving a gift in your will to Hope365. Writing a will is crucial to ensure your assets are distributed according to your wishes after you pass away, and including Hope365 means you will leave a lasting legacy of compassion and generosity. By naming Hope365 in your will, you will contribute directly to transforming the lives of vulnerable children, giving them education, shelter, and hope for a brighter future. This act of kindness will make a meaningful difference in the world and will ensure that you leave an Enduring Hope for generations to come.

Here’s how a gift in your will could make a difference:

1. A gift in your will could leave the legacy of a loving home.

A gift in your will could provide a safe and stable home life to those who have been reunited with their families, or it could help us to run our Group Homes for those who have been orphaned.

2. A Gift in your will could leave the legacy of a life-changing education.

Your will could give the gift of education to boys and girls who would otherwise have no access to school.

3. A gift in your will could leave a legacy by ensuring the future of Hope365.

Your gift could help us to face the future with confidence, giving us the necessary finances to overcome hurdles and ensure the smooth running of our projects in the future.

How to leave a gift to Hope365

There are several types of gifts that you can ask to leave in your will.

  • A percentage of your estate- this is a flexible amount, depending on the value of your estate when you pass away.

  • A cash gift of a fixed sum of money.

  • A property or possessions which may be of value.

Whatever your gift to Hope365, your legacy will have an impact for generations.

Chat to Us

If you would like to hear more about our work or you have any questions, we would be more than happy to chat to you over the phone or in person over a cup of coffee. We can discuss more specifically what area of our work you would like your gift to go towards, or even if there is a specific project you could support. Please get in touch with Michael for more information: michael@hope365.life.

Arrange a Meeting with Your Solicitor

It would be a true blessing and an honour for Hope365 to be included in your will. In order for you to do this, you will need to contact your solicitor and make a change, called a codicil. Your solicitor will be able to advise you on how to do this and the wording which you will need.

If you need help finding a Solictor

If you don’t have your own solicitor we are a member of the N. Ireland based organisation “Will to Give” based in Belfast who partner with many reputable charities to assist supporters who wish to leave a gift to charity in their will.

Email: info@willtogive.org

Thank you for considering us to steward your legacy.

Michael Holmes,

Chief Executive