Donate to Hope365
Thank you for donating to Hope365. You can make your donation through the following ways:
By giving through Standing Order we are able to receive 100% of your donation, as there are no transaction or processing fees involved.
To give a One Off Donation, or to setup a Regular Standing Order please use your online or phone banking facility to setup a new Payee (ABCI) using our Bank Details below.
In the Payee Reference please use the format: Surname/SH ( eg: Smyth/SH )
Please email a remittance to with details of your donation.
Our bank details are:
Sort code: XXXXXX
Account Number: xxxx xxxx
You can make a donation through our website.
We must pay transaction and processing fees on donations made through our website, so we kindly ask donors to consider the cost of these fees when they make a donation.
Please make cheques payable to "Hope365" and include a note with your details and any specific allocation instructions for your donation.
Please send any cheques to
73-75 Main Street,
BT39 9AA